Professor (2017-
Associate Professor (2013
Assistant Professor (2007
Department of Physics,
HKUST, Hong Kong
Postdoc 2004
2007 University
of Pennsylvania, USA
Ph.D. 1998
2003 University of
Chicago, USA
B.S. 1994
1998 Peking University
(Beijing University), China
Research Interests
Experimental soft condensed matter physics
microscopic kinetics in various phase transitions using
colloids model systems; crystal, amorphous
solid and their crossover; surface phenomena of solids; the motions and clusters of novel granular systems.
Statistical physics
We apply the
complex-network analysis to phase-space studies and discovered
that the phase spaces of frustration spin models, lattice gases and spin
glasses share some common features. We analytically prove that the spectra of their phase spaces are Gaussian, which represents a new
class of network.
A math by-product is
a one-to-one mapping
between 2D jigsaw-puzzle tiling and 3D stack of spheres.
We are also interested in configurational temperatures and Brownian
Selected Publications:
- Mechanical properties of crystalline-amorphous composites: generalisation of Hall-Petch and inverse Hall-Petch behaviours, Zhibin Xu, Mengmeng Li and Yilong Han*, arXiv.2410.18139
- Polymorphic crystalline wetting layers on crystal surfaces, Xipeng Wang*, Bo Li*, Mengmeng Li and Yilong Han*, Nat. Phys., 19, 700-705 (2023)
- Surface premelting and melting of colloidal glasses, Qi Zhang, Wei Li, Kaiyao Qiao, and Yilong Han*, Sci.
Adv., 9, eadf1101 (2023)
- Compression-induced polycrystal-glass transition in binary crystals, Huijun Zhang and Yilong Han*, Phys. Rev. X, 8, 041023 (2018)
- Modes of surface premelting in attractive colloidal crystals, Bo Li, Feng Wang, Di Zhou, Yi Peng, Ran Ni, and Yilong Han*, Nature, 531, 485-488 (2016)
- Two-step nucleation mechanisms in solid-solid phase transitions, Yi Peng, Feng Wang, Ziren Wang, Ahemd Alsayed, Zexin Zhang, Arjun Yodh and Yilong Han*, Nature Materials, 14, 101–108 (2015) (cover article)
- Imaging the
homogenous nucleation during the melting of superheated colloidal crystals, Ziren Wang, Feng Wang, Yi Peng, Zhongyu Zheng, and Yilong Han*, Science 338, 87-90 (2012)
- Glass transitions in quasi-two-dimensional suspensions of colloidal ellipsoids, Zhongyu Zheng, Feng Wang and Yilong Han*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 065702 (2011) (highlighted by Editor's Suggestion
and Physics Viewpoint)
- Phase-Space Networks of the Six-Vertex Model under Different Boundary Conditions, Yilong Han*, Phys. Rev. E 81, 041118 (2010)
- Phase-Space Networks of Geometrically Frustrated Systems Yilong Han, Phys. Rev. E 80, 051102 (2009)
- PPT slides the most representative work
- Geometric frustration in buckled colloidal monolayers Yilong Han*, Yair Shokef*, Ahmed Alsayed, Peter Yunker, Tom C. Lubensky, and Arjun Yodh, Nature, 456, 898-903 (2008).
- Brownian Motion of an Ellipsoid Yilong Han, Ahmed Alsayed, Maurizio Nobili,
Jian Zhang, Tom C. Lubensky*, and Arjun G. Yodh, Science 314, 626-630 (2006)
- Configurational temperature of
charge-stabilized colloidal monolayer, Y. Han
and D. G. Grier Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 148301 (2004)
